A Party by Laura E. Richards

On Willy's birthday, as you see,
These little boys have come to tea.
But, oh! how very sad to tell!
They have not been behaving well.
For ere they took a single bite,
They all began to scold and fight.

The little boy whose name was Ned,
He wanted jelly on his bread;
The little boy whose name was Sam,
He vowed he would have damson jam;
The little boy whose name was Phil
Said, "I'll have honey! Yes--I--Will!"

The little boy whose name was Paul,
While they were quarrelling, ate it all.

Rusty B. Suminguit
8/5/2012 02:08:53 pm

How interesting! Gooo Zyra you can do it!


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    Party Freak:

    Welcome to my stupid Blog! Just have fun and have a great time... You Rock!


    August 2012

